Sunday, January 30, 2011

Household Time Management Tips

Tips for Household Time Management:
1. Grocery shop once a week in bulk, instead of making multiple trips throughout the week.

2. Designate "laundry day" and complete all laundry that day. (i.e. Saturday) or if you have a large family, designate two laundry days.

3. Iron uniforms and/or weekly wardrobe once at the beginning of the week.

4. Buy birthday cards and/or greeting cards at the start of the month.

5. Prepare a menu for dinner each week and daily lunchbox meals.

6. Have a family calendar in the common area and detail all events & family ocassions. (i.e. games, tutorials, vacations, PTA meetings, etc.)

7. Have a "family tray" where all forms, slips, report cards, and field trip forms are placed for parental review.

8. Prepare briefcase or backpack materials the night before.

There are many more ways to save time and work more efficiently within the home, but this should get you off to a great start! Stay tuned for more blogs with more tips! :)

Until We Blog Again....

CEO, Organize N Refine