Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Better Use of Our Greatest Asset

Before we can stop a bad habit - we must assess why it exists. One of the biggest, if not THE BIGGEST killler of time is procrastination. I have blogged about this before, but it is such a large problem across society that I thought, "Why not discuss it further?"

To procrastinate is to waste time. To waste time is to self-sabotage. Let's explore what we can do differently to better use our greatest asset - time.

1. Multi-task or Single-task:

Depending on the nature of the task and its attached requirements, you may want to consider breaking a single task into smaller tasks, or dividing multiple tasks into groups for better management. If multi-tasking decreases your productivity and quality of work, consider single-tasking. Overall, do not overload or underload your plate. Plan your tasks, prepare accordingly, and execute efficiently. Also, designate a certain day or days for task completion and outline what will be done each day. Winging it won't take you far.

2. Be Decisive:

Decisiveness will save you time and money. Be quick in your decision-making. I am not implying that one should not put thought and intellect into daily choices - but don't use the time you could be acting, to think and decide. Get moving! Be decisive. Be productive.

3. Over-commiting:

This idea ties into multi-tasking and single-tasking. Be mindful of what you alot your time to. Do not over-commit and possibly, under-deliver. Create a list of tasks to complete, time alloted to each task, and deadline for completion.

4. Be Assertive:

How assertive are you? How often do you view a task or opportunity and jump into action? If your answer is "not often", you may consider increasing your assertiveness. It is important to be self-assured and self-confident. The people who wait around for someone to guide or instruct them, waste time standing around when they could be moving.

The world is filled with golden opportunities to advance and leverage our lives! Take action and get moving! Don't waste time, wasting time. Save time by prioritizing tasks, quickly making decisions, controlling your comittments, and being assertive!

Until We Blog Again....

CEO, Organize N Refine