Sunday, May 30, 2010

Start Small

"There is no such thing as a long piece of work, except one that you dare not start. " - Charles Baudelaire

The simple thought of organizing an entire room wall-to-wall is overwhelming for most of us. It is important to start with small spaces and surfaces. It is easier to manage a countertop, dresser, bookshelf, or cabinet - in comparison to an entire closet, kitchen, bedroom, etc. The desire to change your habits and create order in your home is a big step forward. Be proud of yourself. Taking on more than you can handle initially may cause you to take two steps backwards. I've witnessed many people excited to clear out the clutter - to then be in the middle of the project and quit from being completely overwhelmed by their "stuff". Don't allow yourself to have a "clutter breakdown." Start small and save yourself the headache.

Write down the small space you want to organize and the date you will complete the task. Once you begin to see how great that small area looks - you will most likely be motivated to organize the next space, and the next space, and the space after that, and so forth. This idea is similar to losing weight. Once we work hard at losing the first 15 pounds and see the great results - we become motivated to work-out harder to acheive greater results. Take baby steps and allow your desire to drive your results! You'll be glad you did!

Until We Blog Again...

CEO, Organize N Refine