Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Donation

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I hope you are spending it with people you love and who love you. I spent the majority of the day decluttering and making a few trips to Goodwill. I donated several complete bedding sets and attempted to donate about 6 like-new pillows, but learned that Goodwill does not accept pillows. Once I thought about their potential reason for not taking donated pillows, it made sense. Perhaps, there is a concern for bed bugs and sanitation. Now, I am racking my brain and searching for suggestions on getting rid of pillows. I refuse to trash them and I'm not super handy with needle and thread, therefore making throw pillows isn't an option.

Overall, I feel extremely accomplished. I set out with an agenda this morning and completed all tasks. There's nothing like being productive and feeling that sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Now, it's time to relax with my good friend Godiva (yummy) and a movie.

Until We Blog Again....

CEO, Organize N Refine